Auto Body Equipment Fowlerville
Auto Repair Center in Fowlerville, MI
Champion Chevrolet of Fowlerville, MI provides leadership to industry leading technology so we can provide superior customer experience and service. We employ highly trained certified technicians that are experts in price estimating, material finishing and detailed oriented service to ensure proper vehicle repairs. All of our repairs and body refinishing is complete to industry and manufacturer standards. Management and staff alike, deliver on customer expectations, transparency pricing and use only state of the art equipment. Our employees’ under-go highly demanding training and ongoing education. We have been serving the Livingston community and surrounding cities for decades. We value your business and look forward to speaking with you.
- Down Draft Heated Spray Booths
- Drown Draft Prep Stations
- Frame Machines
- Hunter Alignment Machines
- Air Conditioning Recovery Stations
- Aluminum Welders
- Mig Welders
- Resistance Welders